Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mood Swing

everything seems not right...
my back hurts so much,my period in mess,my job is not enjoyable,
i miss my husband,i miss my family,and everything is not at the right place or the right time..
Ya Allah,give me strength to face this..
What im hoping for now?
I wish i did not have this backache,
I wish i have my period normally,
I wish im not working here anymore,
I wish im happier...*sigh*
Lets make a wish,
In November,i should be starting new job somewhere else..
but for sure i will be not working with LYL Engineering anymore..
if there is no other job for me,then ill be jobless..huh..heh..
but that should be much better than working right now..


diana cd said...

sek, period mu dok betol lagi ke, mu dok period2? kalo dok period2 tu pregnant r kot...syonotnye sek...hehe...rite now i feel the same as u nye, aku takut nk apply keje skrg sbb takut ye nk suh aku masuk awal...sbb akhir bln 11 ngan bln 12 aku plan nk bergalok2 dulu...huhu...aku bajet nk cari kije dlm bln 12...start kije awal tahun...bajet sng dpt kije aku ni...huhu...aku ade kontek no company nk pakai org..nnti aku msg mu...

^ruset^ said...

hee shi..tu la kn..kite ni tahap kegabanan bosan nge keje kite ek..aku rse kite xjupe lg passion kite sbnanye..apende kite nak sbnanye ek?hehe